About Me

Toni Thomas' poems have been accepted for publication in literary magazines in Austria, New Zealand, Canada, England, Scotland, and Australia. In the United States her work has appeared in over fifty literary magazines, including Prairie Schooner, North Dakota Quarterly, Hayden's Ferry Review, the Minnesota Review, Weber-The Contemporary West, Rhino, Notre Dame Review, and Poetry East.

She has received the Atlanta Review's International Merit Award and an Ann Stanford Poetry Prize from the Southern California Review. In 2009 one of her poems was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her chapbook, Walking on Water, is due out in January 2011 from Finishing Line Press .

Toni is grateful to have had the rich opportunity to study with some amazing poets: among them Galway Kinnell, Sharon Olds, Robert Hass, Yusef Komunyakaa, Brenda Hillman, Lucille Clifton, Li-Young Lee, Madeline DeFrees, John Haislip, and William Stafford.

She holds an MA in Couseling Psychology and an MFA in Poetry.

She lives in Oregon with her family and likes to contemplate the moon from her bed.





Awards and Honors:

Sculpture shows:

Teaching Experience:

Counseling Experience: